sidebar menu

maybe midi?

menu thing 2

maybe bookmarks go here

idk what else

donuy's chill zone

i love linux and i got a job

published on: 2023-12-08

i love linux. the terminal is just kind of comforting. not sure why.

i also got a job. a good one. i think. it's exciting. i can finally start living the life i want. i can be who i feel like i truly am.

that's all i really wanted to say...

i think marxism finally clicked for me?

published on: 2023-11-18

i need to read more about it. maybe read the communist manifesto. but i think i finally understand his thoughts and i'm starting to feel like capitalism really does eventually lead to socialism and communism. i feel this way because of my current place within capitalism, where i'm very unhappy and hoping for change. i guess changes could be made to make me happier, but i wonder if that would be sustainable or if a revolution is necessary. i wonder how this became so popular, and how marx could've come up with these ideas?

i am a little disappointed in my knowledge of politics and government, so it would be nice to learn more. i want to be able to articulate my feelings by using facts and examples instead of just complaining.

i think i'm happy with this design

published on: 2023-11-14

i like the colors and the background. i think if there are multiple pages to click through, they'll all have different backgrounds and colors. just to keep things feeling fresh. still not sure what i want out of this. totally cool with just dropping it as well.

but definitely not making it mobile friendly!

could this be a better format?

published on: 2023-11-12

i'm still not sure about where i should put the title. and i'm not sure about the placement of things. what should the width of this blog post be? should i have line breaks? should i include images?

things i should consider:

Placebear Image

this is a link to the placebear pic

things I want to talk about:

idk how to do a date timestamp yet but lets say 11/11/2023 how do i make this enriching for myself? can this be a way to find some sort of personal balance?

only way to find out is to try. consider this the first. of how many? who knows?